American Fraud - Mumler
American Fraud Which Has Made Its Way In The World
From The London Globe

Photograph - Mumler
In one case a merchant of Montreuil wished a photograph of his daughter, who was three years old when she died, and received a picture of a woman of fifty. The police finally exposed the fraud on April 22, 1875, by discovering a dark chamber containing a lay figure draped in bluish tulle, with numerous photographic heads, which could be added to it, and other devices.
Particulars of the appearance of the person whose “spirit photograph” was required having been ingeniously gathered, the lay figure adjusted and rapidly photographed, then the medium, or sometimes the client, was photographed on the same plate with a longer exposure, and both subjects were developed together.
“Spirit photography” never raised its head again in France, but strange to say, it continued to flourish, and still flourishes in England. Even eminent British men of science have been fascinated by it. In America it thrives still more vigorously.
M. Fourtier gives directions for obtaining spirit photographs as follows:
First place the spectre before a dark background and photograph it, decentring the negative to make it float in air. The drapery should be a bluish white, and the exposure very short. Next photograph the living subject on the somber background, such as a library or a wall hung with ancient armor. The exposure should be long, so as to give strong definition. When the head of the spectre is also the head of the subject, an “astral photograph” is obtained.
“Origin Of Spirit Photographs.” The New York Times, 18 February 1894. Online archives. : 2008.
Fascinating stuff...My eye was also caught by the name Bigelow as my mother had cousins of that name who live in Boston. I will put it on my list to see if they are any relation to Bigelow the jeweler (when I have a little time that is!)
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