Lisa Louise Cooke Talks About Shades With The footnoteMaven

Lisa is an extremely skilled interviewer. She has the ability to put you at ease, become your best friend, and convince you you're just hanging out and getting in some girl talk; in the space of a few short minutes. That's real talent!
It was my privilege to spend some time with Lisa. She is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.
Shades is where my heart is and I think you'll realize that when you listen to Lisa's very skilled interview. Thank you, Lisa, for allowing me to talk about a place in my heart.
You're so very welcome! Your passion for what you do clearly came through and I'm sure inspired others to do what they do best, their heart's desire! Thank FM!
A skillful interviewer and a fascinating subject = one great podcast.
Thank you for the very nice things you said about my friend, Miss Penny Dreadful. She blushes whenever I mention it.
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