Calendars & Many Things Thursday

"The time has come," the Walrus said, "to talk of many things."
Thursday, on Shades Of The Departed, will be dedicated to many things,
and nothing in particular.
Thursday, on Shades Of The Departed, will be dedicated to many things,
and nothing in particular.
Many Things Thursday
Recently I was asked by a family member to create a calendar that didn't hang on the wall. She wanted a desktop calendar.
So I looked around for inspiration and a method that would be plausible for a one time printing. I found a desktop calendar in a gift shop by a Seattle artist I liked. She created a calendar of her artwork that was printed on a 5 X 7 card and placed in an acrylic frame that sat on the desk. One card for each month.
I loved the idea! First I created a 5 X 7 template in Photoshop (any similar program would work - there is some trial and error but the results are worth the work). I used the twelve months of 2009, but as each month is a separate page you could include from now until the end of 2008 along with 2009. I also added a page that listed all the family birthdays. This page can be turned around to face out from the back of the frame.

~ Here Is The Frame On The Desk ~
Once you've created the template you can experiment with different type styles and colors. One style for all twelve months, or twelve different styles. The choice is yours and you are only limited by your own creativity.

Example C
Then if you have the time, you can get very creative.

As each month is only 5 X 7, I am able to print them at home on my inkjet printer using 5 X 7 photo paper. If I want to do more than one set and would like to save my printer ink, I can go into Issaquah and have them printed in Costco's Photo Department for $0.39 each. They are a photograph after all. (Other family members have now seen this and want one designed just for them. My daughter wants one using her boys' drawings.)

As each month is only 5 X 7, I am able to print them at home on my inkjet printer using 5 X 7 photo paper. If I want to do more than one set and would like to save my printer ink, I can go into Issaquah and have them printed in Costco's Photo Department for $0.39 each. They are a photograph after all. (Other family members have now seen this and want one designed just for them. My daughter wants one using her boys' drawings.)
I bought the acrylic frame pictured above at Aaron Brothers (there are numerous online retailers that sell the same frame). The frame normally sells for $1.99. While I was there I also purchased a clear glass block 5 X 7 picture frame to see how it would work with the calendar. The glass block is very elegant. If you're giving the calendar as a gift, the glass block is a very nice presentation. The glass block sells for $14.99, however, it's the 1 Cent Sale at Aaron Brothers, so I bought the glass block and got the acrylic frame for 1 cent. The total calendar cost about $20 (using the glass block), about $7 (using the acrylic frame); and you have a unique and personalized calendar.
Now I didn't want to use the "X" word (Xmas), but if you're making gifts now is the time to start.
Use those photographs - share them!
My apologies for the lateness of this article, but blogger and I have quarreled today!
Now you see, I commented on planning my upcoming 2008 Christmas Tree over at Facebook and some people treated me like I had already been hitting the egg nog!
This is a great gift idea but who wants to think about Christmas right now? I do. Nothing like being prepared.
Well, fM, I'd say you're 2 for 2! First the mini moos and now the photo calendar. You sure know how to get creative with your genealogy!
I always start in July if I'm making gifts. That way I get to enjoy the holidays without the rush.
Everyone in my family knows they will be getting something made from the family photographs and I haven't had any complaints yet.
My genealogy belongs to so many other people as well.
I have a duty to share.
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