Smile For The Camera ~ A Carnival of Images
Sisters, sisters. There were never such devoted sisters. Brothers, brothers. There were never such stalwart brothers. This album will make you smile, laugh out loud, and sometimes shed a tear. It is a true representation of the dynamics we've all experienced between brothers and sisters. You really have outdone yourselves. So sit back and enjoy, open the cover and browse the 11th Edition of Smile For The Camera's album of brothers and sisters! You're going to love this one!

Russ Worthington of
A Worthington Weblog introduces us to a lovely old photo of two brothers, Henry and Josiah, posted at
Blog Carnival - Smile for the Camera. Russ is also searching for a story of the difficulties they encountered as children. It's out there, somewhere. Here's hoping you find it.

Say hello to Robin Inge of the blog,
Where I Come From. I've visited Robin's blog often. It's beautiful, always greets you with wonderful music, and is filled with stories. For her first trip to the Carnival, Robin has shared a photo of the
Evans Twins: Like Two Peas In A Pod, and the story of their life as it was written for their 90th birthday celebration. A great photo, a great read!

Lorine McGinnis Schulze of
Olive Tree Genealogy gives us two entries for this Carnival. Lorine has some wonderful photographs, doesn't she? The first is
Little Beauty and her brother, one of the 3,000 Cartes de Visite in her collection. This photograph is an interesting look at the relationship of older brother, younger sister. Lorine says, "I love this 1858 CDV of these young siblings - it's beautiful and tragic at the same time." Now compare that relationship with
I'll Stand By You a contemporary version of the first photograph. BFF? Things haven't changed that much!

Becky Wiseman has the most amazing family photographs and she is always willing to share them with Smile. This photograph from the clothes, to the pose, and the expressions on their faces is a Brothers & Sisters not to be missed at
Wiseman Siblings posted at
kinexxions. And Becky, it is so good to have you back blogging!

Jessica Oswalt is the Jessica Fletcher of the geneablogging world. Only here it's "Mystery, She Wrote" as opposed to Murder. It started with an album from her Aunt and has created one mystery post after another. Take a look at the photograph Jessica has called,
Are They Related? Another Mystery Photo ... posted at
Jessica's Genejournal. I loved the little girl wearing glasses!

Pam Taylor presents
Brothers and Sisters...Smile for the Camera, 11th edition posted at
Taylorstales-Genealogy. Pam teaches all family historians a lesson with this post. When it comes to family photographs; look once, look twice, look with new eyes. You never know what clues you will discover that can aid in dating and identification.

Brothers & Sisters - I Smile For The Camera - 11th Edition posted at
The Ties That Bind is composed of two sets of brothers. Terri tells us, " I love photographs that appear to tell a story. My first photograph depicts my father as a little boy with his brother and sister reading a book. My father is on the left hand side - he is rubbing his eyes, I think maybe the story is making him a little sleepy. The second photograph is of my brothers who appear to be comforting one another - I wonder if they had just been scolded for something? Or did they just need a little love?"

Evelyn Yvonne Theriault remembers her sister and 1960s Lasalle, Quebec, in
Smile For The Camera 11th Edition - Brothers & Sisters posted at
A Canadian Family. Now those are some really happy sisters; must have been the great day they had buying a gift for Mom.
Sister to sister we will always be, a couple of nuts off the family tree! I loved this one!

Sheri Fenley traces the inseparable lives of
The Brothers Skillman from Altoona, Wilson County, Kansas posted at
The Educated Genealogist. The Brothers Skillman - they did everything together. I love the tricycle photograph. It looks as if the brothers are traveling through the jungle on board their three wheelers. It must have been adventure after adventure for these two.

Patti Browning of
Consanguinity, connecting the dots, has an old photograph of two brothers
Freddie & Frank (1923). The hair, the sailor suit, a ball, a newspaper and the shiniest shoes create one fascinating photograph. Are they Angel or Devil? You be the judge.

Andrea Christman gives us a look at her childhood and her brothers in
Alphabet Soup...Oh Brother! posted at
Family Tales.
I love my brothers, my brothers love me. Not perfect Andrea says, but probably as close as you can get. And Andrea, you haven't changed a bit.

Donna Pointkouski shows us family history repeating itself in the next generation in
Brother and Sister: A Family Tradition! at
What's Past is Prologue. Written as only our Donner can, she gives us a glimpse into life as the little sister, an age gap that made an only child out of both brother and sister. You must visit just to see how adorable the photographs are, but be sure to read the sentiments of two brothers unsure about sharing life with a baby sister. A beautiful post!

The genealogically obsessed Laura Smith of
Root Seek has some great material to work with when it comes to photographs. Take a look at her submission,
Brothers & Sisters-11th Edition-Smile For the Camera. Laura says she's easily amused, but who wouldn't be with two tough guys from Washington who started life in skirts. A great submission for your first Smile For The Camera, Laura. Can't wait to see what's next.

Wendy you made me cry when I read
Childhood Enemies - Adult BFF?s posted at
All My Branches Genealogy. Three generations of “battling siblings” all turned into relationships of Best Friends Forever. What a wonderful family legacy that is! And what a wonderful legacy you've left by writing the story.

Midge Frazel has the gift of a lifetime in the photograph of
The Brothers Broadfoot, posted at
Granite in My Blood. Midge says, "Standing proudly for the camera, these three brothers look prosperous and healthy. This might be the last time, they were all together in one place." Yes, you never know when you Smile for the Camera.

Judith Richards Shubert said, "Hi Maven, I see my little sister has a pair of your favorite glasses on" in
Brothers & Sisters in Lingleville Blog: Genealogy Traces! Yes, Peggy has on a pair of my favorite cat's eye glasses. Judy also introduces us to Billy, Bobby, and Leta Shubert on her
Tennessee Memories blog. In sickness and in health they were
Brothers & Sister in Nashville, Tennessee.

Ruth Stephens added Lewis Carroll's poem
Brother and Sister to her post
Smile for the Camera at
Bluebonnet Country Genealogy. "Sister, sister, go to bed! Go and rest your weary head.” Thus the prudent brother said. Three photographs from three different points in time. Pay close attention to the names in Ruth's family, truly unique.

Two Iles siblings have a mischievous look as they smile for the camera. Janet Iles presents
Two brothers posted at
Janet the researcher who look like the stars of the "Little Rascals." What were they up to? What happened after the photograph was taken?

My Bubba and Me"
at Mississippi Memories pictures a bright white outfit on both Janice Tracy and her little brother "Bubba." She writes, "I am certain that our grandmother enjoyed snapping a picture of us when we were "all cleaned up." I can still hear her say to me "o oui" when I got "all dressed up," meaning " O yes - you look so pretty." That you did, Janice! That you did!
From just three they became eight, brothers and sisters captured for the camera. Look closely, don't you see the faces of the children in the photographs of the adults? Jennifer Trahan proudly displays her family sibling history in
Smile for the Camera - Siblings posted at
Jennifer's Genealogy Blog. The children are always there, no matter how mature they become.
Julie Cahill Tarr has Orphan Photo #9 as her ticket to the Carnival, posted at Who Will Tell Their Story? This precious photograph is of three little darlings. Julie thinks they look mischievous and I agree. It's the classic, "Not me, I didn't do it!"

When I long for Spring I visit
Nikki-ann at Notes of Life. Things are blooming in Wales and Nikki-ann always gives me hope that winter is almost over with her beautiful photographs of flowers.
(Sorry, it snowed here today.) Her ticket to this Carnival
is the Brothers & Sisters of my Nan & Granddad
. Those boys look as if they are just about to break out of the photograph and run for it. Nikki-ann thinks she sees a bit of how she interacts with her father in the history of the sisters. Visit Notes of Life for the family story and stop to smell the flowers.
EBradt presents my bother and I in
Brothers and Sisters - Our Birthday Party. 1960, yes, I remember it well. Check out the hats, the birthday hats, did you ever make them? I did! Stop by Ancestral Notes for the birthday party.
Linda Hughes Hiser presents Smile for the Camera, 11 Edition--Frederick Family Children posted at Flipside. The oldest family photograph I own and what a sober bunch of kids! They had to be, Linda. In 1886 that photograph cost a small fortune and you didn't want to ruin it.
Thomas MacEntee presents Destination: Austin Family: The Sisters Eight posted at Destination: Austin Family. My mother grew up one of twelve children raised in the middle of the Depression. I present a photo of her with her seven other sisters and her mother taken in 1950 - the only such photo that I have in my possession.
Cherie presents 11th Edition - Smile For The Camera: Brothers & Sisters posted at Still Digging for Roots. My dad, his siblings, and their dad, a lovely informal photograph of a family day out. Cherie says the brothers and sisters "
have stayed close and still tease each other the way I imagine they must have done when they were children!"
Alana Farrell presents The Marshall Clan posted at A Twig In My Tree. "My mother had six siblings and they were all very close, especially the 3 youngest (they did everything together – especially getting into trouble)." But getting into trouble would be the least of their worries. From Scotland to Canada, a difficult road for Alana's mother. This is a wonderful story punctuated by some priceless photographs. You should see this one!
Sue Edminster's Brother and Sister smile for the camera and at the pony at the Echo Hill Ancestors Weblog. This is a charming photograph taken by a traveling photographer who was accompanied by a pony. What parent could resist?
Amy Coffin presents Brother, Sister and Black Velvet: Smile for the Camera 11 posted at We Tree. My grandmother, her brother and a bucket full of whiskey, or as we call it in my family: Saturday. Kidding, of course, but I'd sure like to know what was so funny at the moment this picture was taken.
Cindy shows us The Keener Brothers posted at Everything's Relative - Researching Your Family History. Yes, they're brothers. No doubt about it. And so cute you just want to pinch their cheeks.
Welcome another Washingtonian geneablogger, Delia Furrer. We get a glimpse of her treasure, a family photo album, in 11th Edition of Smile For The Camera - Brothers & Sisters posted at Delia's Genealogy Blog. Delia tells us she gained a great deal of insight into her family from scanning and analyzing the photographs in that album. We're all about the photographs here on Shades. And Delia, we must talk. We have a great deal in common (Washington and Montana).
Leah Kleylein does a brilliant job of writing about this charming photograph of a big brother comforting his little sister in Brother and Sister - Smile for the Camera 11 posted at Random Notes. "But wait!!! Take a closer look at the photo, yes, he is a sweet big brother, so caring, so loving. Take a look towards the bottom of the picture, towards . . . their feet." Go on now, you know you're dying to see the photo.
You know I'm a sucker for a great blog name and Paula Hinkel has come up with one, "It Just Never Came Up." I love it! How often have we heard that phrase in our family history research? Her ticket to the Carnival is Brother & Sister, in which Paula says you can witness her first ever recorded eye roll. Great photo, great sense of humor.
Debbie McCoy presents Blanton Brothers posted at Blanton Family Roots and Branches. My grandfather, Wilbur Blanton, and his brother, Horace, circa 1910. Another one of my favorite pictures. Debbie, is it the ties that bind?
Greta Koehl introduces us to a great photograph, Brothers and Sisters: Louis Boone, Elizabeth Anne “Doll,” and Ambert Hatler Brinlee posted at Greta's Genealogy Bog. "I love the family closeness and family resemblance that can be seen in this picture, as well as the fact that one of the persons featured, Doll Brinlee, was in my last Smile for the Camera submission (albeit about 40 years younger and wearing an enormous hat)."
Amanda and The wild tricycle ride. Amanda on the tricycle, a little red wagon attached, little sister in wagon. Round and round the basement. Dump sister, sister gets back in. Vicious sibling cycle posted at A Tale of Two Ancestors.
Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings tells us, "
I wish we had a photograph of all of my father's siblings together, but we don't. As a consolation prize, here are his five siblings with their families (including three families with siblings) in 1947, Brothers, Sisters, Cousins, Kids. They are a fun bunch! Nana Seaver was proud of them."
Geniaus' ticket to the Carnival is the five Duncan girls from Cobar, NSW with their brother Bill Chatfield posted in Brothers and Sisters. I particularly love the girls dressed in their Junior Red Cross uniforms. Even the littlest one. A great photograph!
M. Diane Rogers has the most endearing photograph of Brothers and Sisters - Smile for the Camera posted at CanadaGenealogy, or, 'Jane's Your Aunt'. "Now if only their mummy had written down the exact date this photograph was taken - in Burnaby, BC, Canada, c 1976." I love the comment that was left that 70s photos are the NEW VINTAGE. I think you may be on to something.
John Newmark's three photographs illustrated the gap in ages of Smile for the Camera:Brothers and Sisters posted at TransylvanianDutch. A war story, a diary, and a sad ending for the brothers. For the three sisters, fate took the lives of their parents and five other siblings, leaving them with each other
. A must see and read for this carnival.
Paula Hawk, who says she is incapable of making decisions and narrowing things down, follows her families' siblings from 1890 to 1965 in eight photographs. They are such fascinating photographs I can see why Paula can't make up her mind. But then we get the benefit of her selections in
Brothers & Sisters Smile For The Camera at
Corel Cousins.
Jasia presents Three Stoic Children posted at Creative Gene. A beautiful studio background and three very solemn young children. "When did we started smiling for the camera?" Jasia asks. In early photographs the subject of the portrait had to sit for long periods of time to secure an exposure. It was much easier to hold a straight face than to hold a smile. Often the head would have to be held in a vise so that it didn't move causing a blur. That changed with the so called instantaneous pictures that took a fraction of a seconds exposure. Conventions still required a solemn visage into the early 1900s. Your mother and her siblings just may have been tired of the whole process.

“Everything She Learned, She Learned From the Movies,”
says Donna of her mother in her post Smile for the Camera - Brothers and Sisters at DonnaB's Weblog. The picture Donna selected shows her mother’s Hollywood style of relating to people, even her own brother.
Yes, the photo is very Bette Davis. Now Donna, from one woman known to wear a crown to another, I think there's a little Hollywood in you!
Apple's three photographs of Daniel and Tamerson posted at Apple's Tree show the closeness exhibited by these siblings through the years. Apple also has a wonderful description of the relationship written by Tamerson to a member of the family. This is a do not miss post!
A family gathering just before World War II is Holly Spencer's ticket to Smile For The Camera, 11th Edition~~brothers & sisters posted at Raeburn Family Odyssey. Holly says, "My dad and his siblings were definitely a one for all and all for one clan." And it shows!
Kay Bauman exhibits several very unique photographs of Brothers & Sisters at Kay B's Place. Kay calls the photographs artistic and I would agree; I've seen very few like them. Kay also has a family goldmine in the form of a book entitled
Dunaway - Allder - Pyle Family written by one of the daughters,
Dr. Jane E. Dunaway. Dr. Dunaway says the book is an attempt to introduce her nieces and nephews to the older generation and “give a compilation of social, cultural, education and medical history.” The book is amazing!
Big Sister and Little Brothers ~ Through the Years is posted by Diana Ritchie
at Random Relatives. While little brothers eventual tower over their "big" sister, she is still the boss! This entry for Smile for the Camera shows Diana's Mom and her little brothers through the years.
Other things may change us, but we start and end with family says the beautiful collage that Vickie Everhart has created for her ticket to Smile for the Camera :: Brothers & Sisters posted at
.: BeNotForgot :: begotten & ne'er forgotten :. And another one of those creative blog names, very creative, as is the entire blog. The brother and sister in this story had a difficult life all too familiar for the times. Vicki is a master storyteller who conveys their life both in writing and visually.
Kathy Brady-Blake presents Mom and Her Siblings posted at Kathy's Genealogy Blog. I've posted several photos of my mom and her siblings. They always seemed to have good times together. This group certainly knows how to Smile For The Camera!
Craig Manson presents Brother & Sister, direct descendants of George Micheau (1813-1907); David and Edna Penny, taken too soon! A wonderful photograph of two "look me directly in the eye" siblings. While visiting Geneablogie take the time to read Craig's excellent two part series, The Rest of Paul Harvey's Story - Part I and Conclusion.
Worthwhile Wednesday - Brothers and Sisters from Kathryn Lake Hogan of Looking4Ancestors is another example of taking out those old photographs and giving them a new look. Kathryn discovered the significance of the photograph of these brothers and sisters when she took it out to scan for the carnival. You never know, when you Smile For The Camera.
Lisa of 100 Years In America, shares some very touching photographs of Beloved baby sister: A tribute to Ethel, 1920-1943. She tells of the special sisterly bond that grew throughout the years and how it ended far too soon. Lisa is a gifted writer who brings the story of the sisters in these photographs to life. There is a very special memorial contained in this post that you shouldn't miss.
I'm not sure how it happened, but two people who had a ticket to the 10th Edition of the carnival failed to gain admittance, so they've been invited to join this carnival.
Stephen J. Danko's Just Look at What We're Wearing! posted at Steve's Genealogy Blog fits in perfectly with this carnival as the photograph is of siblings who were dressed to the nines.
Rebecca Fenning's ella, ca 1900 is posted at A Sense of Face. Rebecca has some of the most interesting photographs around. They can make any carnival the better for being there, so Shades is so sorry they were left behind. Ella was the epitome of fashion, from the hat to the hair, from the dress to the jewelry, from the gloves to the bag. Ella was always tastefully turned out.

foonoteMaven closes the album cover on this edition of Smile For The Camera with
Uphill Both Ways posted at
footnoteMaven. Brothers, life long friends. As always my family is here to Smile For The Camera.
Now The Call For Submissions!
Smile For The Camera
10 April 2009
The word prompt for the 12th Edition of
Smile For The Camera is A Noble Life. Show us a photograph of an ancestor, relative, or friend that is the embodiment of A Noble Life. A life that is worthy of those who came before and those who follow after. A Life filled with small but courageous acts; filled with love and honor. A simple life, an ordinary life, A Noble Life. Bring them to the carnival and share with us how you've honored them. Admission is free with every photograph!
Your submission may include as many or as few words as you feel are necessary to describe your treasured photograph. Those words may be in the form of an expressive comment, a quote, a journal entry, a poem (your own or a favorite), a scrapbook page, or a heartfelt article. The choice is yours!
Deadline for submission is midnight (PT)
10 April 2009
Posted - 15 April 2009
HOW TO SUBMIT:There are two options:
1. Send an email to the host,
footnoteMaven. Include the title and permalink URL of the post you are submitting, your name, and the name of your blog. Put 'Smile For The Camera' clearly in the title of your email!
2. Use the handy
submission form provided by
Blog Carnival, or select the Bumper Sticker in the upper right hand corner.
See you at the Carnival!
You've turned our photo entries into something that really looks like a magazine.
Thank you for everything you do. "Smile for the Camera" are inspiring me to more closely examine my photos and as I visit other entries my fellow geneabloggers are showing me how I can let my photos speak.
Evelyn in Montreal
Wow--what a great Carnival! There's so much here that shows a lot of humanity.
Wow fM - thanks for another wonderful edition. When do you sleep?
Thanks, fM for your comments and all the work you put into this. Fantastic Carnival!
I can't believe how much work you put into this!! It turned out wonderfully, thank you so much!
Thank you soooooo much for all the quality time and effort you put into making this so enjoyable for your participants as well as your readers. This was a joy to be a part of. Vickie @ BeNotForgot
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